Last night I went with my friend Oscar to Bodies:The Exhibition at Mall of America...I was a little bit aware of what I would experience. But right now... I am struggling with words to explain the depth of these thoughts. For someone who gets overwhelmed easily, this exhibition was a big step but I know how to pace myself. I can't really explain what it is that I experienced, so you'll have to go for yourself.
I just cannot believe the intricacies of our bodies. How all of these bones, ligaments, organs, etc. all fit so neatly. They all have their place and function to make us the most incredible creatures on earth. On top of that there are hundreds of miles of arteries and nerves. One of my favorite displays (couldn't find pics of it) was an entire body of just the spinal cord connected to all the nerves from head to toe. It's so hard to explain. How does all this fit inside us??? There was another that was just the arteries. If all of our blood vessels were connected end to end they would extend 62,000 miles or 2 1/2 times around the earth. Plus there's the small and large intestines which are 7 feet and 5 feet long, repectively if stretched out. We are truly amaaaazing miracles. There are no words in any language to describe how beautifully creative God is.
This was truly a remarkable experience. The fetus room was especially beautiful but unfortunately we ran out of time to stay too long in it. I could see how big the fetus was at different stages (one for each of my friends who are pregnant-practically!) HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? IT is truly a remarkable gift. I am even more in awe of the beauty of God and his creation--each of us (including myself). How could anyone consider throwing away such a precious gift? (Take that whatever way you want.)
Even now I am frustrated and exhausted at my lack of words for how awestruck I am. Thank you God for my life and the lives of each amazing person you've created.
Wow! The exhibit sounds amazing! But your final few sentences brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for this reminder that God is our everything!